'Mammoth Peak Two' child theme.

New Blog Framework

'Mammoth Peak Two' child theme.
‘Mammoth Peak Two’ Theme

About a year ago I changed my blog framework form the default WordPress theme to one of Justin Tadlock’s parent themes called “Hybrid“. It allowed me to add more “SEO Stuff” then the original default theme….and it’s free. Since I know just enough HTML/CSS to be dangerous, I also downloaded Justin’s child theme “Leviathan” and modified it to suit.

This worked very well, but I came to realize that as a photographer, I post a lot of pictures. It was taking a long time to load my blog because of the amount of pictures. I had to find a solution. I went back and found a different framework that allows me to use one small thumbnail and a preview of the content. I uploaded the new “Trending” parent theme and made my own child theme and called it “Mammoth Peak Two”.

After three days of designing it, I think I’m done and I hope it helps on load time. I think it looks cleaner too. While I was re-doing the blog, I uploaded “Generate Post Thumbnails” because the old theme didn’t have thumbnails or featured images. I also added the “Related Posts Thumbnails” plugin to hopefully find related posts.

Mike is a Central Valley California landscape and nature photographer whose subjects include scenes from Merced County, Yosemite, SeKi, and the eastern Sierra. He is currently living in Atwater, CA.

The text and photographs are © Copyright Mike Matenkosky (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from Mike Matenkosky.



2 responses to “New Blog Framework”

  1. Nice layout Mike and I am sure it was a lot of work. I have had your blog on RSS for a long time and will keep checking in as new stuff is added,

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