An Old Friend is Gone….

In January 2006 I needed a wheelchair after my first knee replacement. Unfortunately, it went bad and for two years I was either in my wheelchair or using a walker. Finally in August of 2008, I was able to stand and walk again, without the wheelchair. It sat here “just in case” until I decided I didn’t need it anymore.

Today they picked it up. It’s had a lot of off-trail mileage, more than most rental wheelchairs for sure! I can’t say that I’ll miss it, but it does hold a special place in my life.

Closing this chapter and now starting the next….

Mike is a Central Valley California landscape and nature photographer whose subjects include scenes from Merced County, Yosemite, SeKi, and the eastern Sierra. He is currently living in Atwater, CA.

The text and photographs are © Copyright Mike Matenkosky (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from Mike Matenkosky.



2 responses to “An Old Friend is Gone….”

  1. Wheelchair RIP! Congrats on being able to say goodbye to it. Happy walking!

  2. YAHOO!! Its about time, I am so glad its gone for you, I knew your healing was coming, and it is here, Thank you God!!

    You go MIKE!!!

    Blessings, Alma

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