My Favorite Photos from 2013

I thought I’d join in on Jim Goldstein’s Annual “Your Best Photos Blog Project” this year.

It has been an interesting year to say the least. I had the pleasure of meeting G Dan Mitchell and David Hoffman one chilly morning in January. Shortly after that (about a week), my health went down hill.

I’ve been battling an ongoing wound on my right “knee” for a few years. In April, I was hospitalized for a month. The doctors went in and placed some antibiotic beads inside my leg.

I also had some other health issues. The doctors also put me on a daily IV Antibiotic dose for almost 4 months. I couldn’t get away to do any photography.

As of right now, my health has improved and I’m scheduled to get those antibiotic beads removed on January 2…Happy New Years…LOL! Thankfully this is an out-patient surgery, so I’ll be home that day.

So I’m looking forward to 2014! So here is my ten favorite landscape, nature, and wildlife photos from 2013, in no particular order…

This was from that chilly morning in the Central Valley back in January 24, 2013.
Merced NWR at Sunrise

It’s been a few years since I tried to capture any birds. I thought I’d put my tripod and camera on the back porch and captured this Male Anna’s Hummingbird.
A male Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna).

Once I was able to get out and photograph again, the Government shut-down made my plans to Yosemite went out the door. Since I had never been to some of the southern Sierra locations, my good friend Michael Hanson and I decided to visit one of his favorite locations.
Small Waterfall at Mountain Home State Forrest

Balch Park in the Sun
Balch Park Panoramic

Just around town.
A flock of Sandhill Cranes flying by the last light of the full moon.

Sunrise at Merced NWR
Sunset at Lake Yosemite
Merced NWR, Central Valley Califonia

Mike is a Central Valley California landscape and nature photographer whose subjects include scenes from Merced County, Yosemite, SeKi, and the eastern Sierra. He is currently living in Atwater, CA.

The text and photographs are © Copyright Mike Matenkosky (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from Mike Matenkosky.



8 responses to “My Favorite Photos from 2013”

  1. Beautiful images Mike! Think image 4 (fall-colors-balch-park.jpg) is my favourite.

    1. Mike Matenkosky Avatar
      Mike Matenkosky

      Thanks Michael, I agree!

  2. Wonderful collection of images Mike! All the best to you in the new year!

    1. Thank you Patricia! Have a great new year to you too!

  3. I’m sorry to hear about your health problems, Mike. Nevertheless, you’re sharing a great set of images. I especially liked #2, 3 and 4. All the best for 2014!

    1. Thanks Alex, same to you!

  4. Richard Garrod Avatar
    Richard Garrod

    Hi Mike — You do beautiful work – you have a good eye for feeling in your fine art images as well as a great talent for technical virtuosity… Richard Garrod Monterey, CA…

    1. Thank your Richard!

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