Fall Colors Around June Lake Loop

Fall Colors at June Lake, Lundy Canyon and Conway Summit

After leaving Convict Lake I drove the June Lake Loop, Lundy Canyon and Conway Summit in search for more fall colors.

Mike is a Central Valley California landscape and nature photographer whose subjects include scenes from Merced County, Yosemite, SeKi, and the eastern Sierra. He is currently living in Atwater, CA.

The text and photographs are © Copyright Mike Matenkosky (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from Mike Matenkosky.



5 responses to “Fall Colors at June Lake, Lundy Canyon and Conway Summit”

  1. Marcus Tibesar Avatar
    Marcus Tibesar

    I don’t know about those blurry photos but the rest are really nice Mike. Seems to be few reds and oranges in this area but surely lots of yellows!

    1. I was experimenting on blurring the trees. We don’t get too many red leaves here, just yellow and orange.

  2. karl johnson Avatar
    karl johnson

    It is always pleasure to visit your photo blog ! You always bring for us something charming from the nature!

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